Believe that in any situation we find ourselves in, there will always be something we can’t afford - you are absolutely not alone. Even those highest 1 % income individuals have to face the fact, that they simply can’t afford to buy 100 companies at once - yes it is very priviledged “problem” but isn’t “not being able to afford a new car” priviledged to some extent too?
How to cure the sense of lack?
First of all, we are always abundant in any phase of life we currently find ourselves in. How is that possible, that you can feel the same feeling or even greater feeling of abundance than the person that can afford a better car? Well, It’s only thought away. If you, for example can’t afford that car you think you need and you simply accept it (but really really accept it - not thinking jealous thoughts after you cross the street and see the first Mercedes) and focus on things you either can afford or that you already have and be grateful for them, there is an enormous sense of freedom, you’re freeing yourself from the cage of your own expectations.
Alright - now you accepted you can’t afford it. Don’t get it wrong tho - we are still absolutely getting that new car. You just gotta remain in that state of abundance, gratitude and add the secret magic ingredient - faith (of course lot of work, patience and discipline! We’re not talking delusions here, we’re talking the combination of delusions with discipline - that’s the unbeatable combo). You maybe can’t afford it now but instead of feeling sorry for yourself, sit down and create an idea/plan on how to get that car. We’re not making a tutorial on how to lose your precious ambitions. You can’t have only what you believe you can’t have. So keep your ambitious and just use that secret ingredient. Become faithful, believe everyday so much as if the car was already parked in front of our home (by the way - have you already thanked for your home today?). Believe that in any situation we find ourselves in, there will always be something we can’t afford - you are absolutely not alone. Even those highest 1 % income individuals have to face the fact, that they simply can’t afford to buy TOP 100 companies at once - yes it is very priviledged “problem” but isn’t “not being able to afford a new car” priviledged to some extent too?
See, what I really want you to take from this reading time is one thing - it’s never the matter, it’s always the approach, therefore - it’s always you. You are making the problems. You are choosing to feel like victim in the world of abundance. But what’s amazing, you can be the one who chooses the faithful, calm approach when solving problems. You can switch your approach from the place of lack to a place where there’s so much faith, wealth, love and kindness that you’ll just need to share it with others. And those who understood how life works, they know when there’s something they can’t afford, they switch their focus to their abundance, to the things they already have, show gratitude, still that doesn’t mean they gave up. The opposite is actually the true. They just know that with calm, focused and steady mindset while maintaining their feeling of abundance , there’s nothing they can’t get.
Also, remember to spread and share your gratitude to others. And don’t forget to thank for daily little things. It can be so tiny - I mean that we take for granted. Like the fact that we have running water. Public schools with full libraries - you can become a future innovator, for free… Smile from the lady in supermarket, the fact you could buy yourself food and at the same time not be afraid whether someone is pointing gun at you. Yes, it could feel disturbing now, but we need to face these harsh images to truly realize that we are living in such a blessed and abundant state. I do also catch myself having some “priviledged” problems and that’s always when I know I should focus on these “tiny” gifts. Because only then I am ready to recieve more.
Broaden your perspective, say thank you for the first thing you can think of, receive and share smiles, give away love and kindness, don’t be attached to the materialistic things, rather go hug your family member, yet work hard (smart) and be a little delusional. And this is how you cure rhe sense of lack.
I love you, M.