Definition of goal is according to Oxford Dictionary “the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.”

Things we plan to accomplish. Sounds quite fair…

…and boring.

First they probably thought goals you’re presenting to your team at kick-off meeting. Or stuff like get your salary raised, lose weight, read 10 books. Here, we’re talking goals that aren’t matter of one week or one month…Not even that would take one year. We’re talking about something that takes you decade(s). We are talking about a specific goal that you want, however that seems impossible to accomplish (for now) - we are talking about goal that takes a good amount of imagination, madness and delusion to even take them into consideration. Do you have something like that? If you don’t, no need to continue reading. First go find this thing that feels like taking off in spaceship, feels frightening and impossible to reach, but you feel such a desire towards that. Then read the rest.

Got it? Nice:)

You need to have this vision that is specific, otherwise you would be like a tourist with a beautiful map with silver lining but everything in it would be blurred as hell. Where would such a beautiful but unclear map lead you? Frustration? Confusion? You would try your “luck” to go the way you “feel” like going but baby this is not enough. However, if a tourist has a map with specific goals and direction, he’s able to see the distance he already managed to cover. That makes him organised and gives him clear idea of how far he’s able to go each day so that one day he’ll be in the final destination. But how can we get to the final destination when it’s impossible?

Is it impossible? Or it seems impossible?

Now, we’re not talking corporate goals that have a specific policies and budget. Here we talk about you, you are the company, so you might as well make your own rules. For humans, these rules of what’s feasible or not are called beliefs. And what if your goal still feels impossible to you but you keep dreaming about it? If this happened in company, we would need to change the goal so that it meets the rules. In life, we change beliefs so that they meet the goal. If this goal of yours still feels like as if you weren’t able to go towards it or touch it, give yourself the chance, allow yourself to change your beliefs and skyrocket them to the heights. If something is possible, it’s change.

How? Walk. Go far far away. Alone. No Phone. Just you, yourself overseen by you, your majesty. And if you need, leave for a while. Like a month. Two… From everything that’s familiar to you. Is it too extreme? okay. But keep in mind, you can’t expect big results by doing small moves, small sarcrifices - “I’ll think about it throughout the weekend” - is just not enough. You need to show to your goal how important it is for you. For example - want to become a dancer but you happen to be a dentist? Okay, first of all shorten your working hours so that you have daily 3 hours extra for your practice - in one year, your dance skills would be unrecognizable. Wait - but to cut daily 3 hours? That means I get 30 % lower salary? Yes, so you really want it or this is already a problem?…They are laughing at you? Be deaf to them. Changes are always messy and confusing and you doubt the whole process, but do we doubt trees when all leaves become so brown and fall out during autumn? The leaves are everywhere, there’s ton of mud everywhere but we already know it’s a sign of change that will lead to fruit. So don’t expect your change to be clean neat and perfect, it’s never like that. And people that don’t have the courage to really listen to themselves can do nothing but laugh at others, they are showing you their envy because you had the courage and they didn’t - that’s it. Don’t overthink them - no - don’t EVER think of them. Or are you working at warehouse and wanting to become a millionaire? Rent cheaper location so that you can buy more books and attend to workshops or go to school. Having a child? Sarcrificing 4 hours of time with your child and sarcrificing the money to pay a nanny in order to focus on your little business is worth everything if you realize this investment could lead towards full freedom. Isn’t it worth the try? Once you believe, you’ll be given opportunities and you’re halfway there. It makes me sad when someone has such amazing aspirations and ideas but isn’t following them just because his beliefs are just too small that the dream simply doesn’t fit in it.

Alright - so you have the map that’s showing you where you’re heading, you know how many miles you’ve already covered and you believe. This is really solid base for success, but to keep yourself on track, you need a discipline. To have a discipline, you need the reason. Your WHY - and a strong one. Strong like a diamond. It needs to talk your deepest values (if you’re not sure about them go back to walking alone, you might seem to be alone, but it’s that time when the whole space works with you, for you, to give you ideas, feelings). The whole goal should feel like the one thing that you would do for free, it’s so aligned with you that the reward goes just by doing your thing. Money is just something “extra”. You need to love your goal. You need to be proud of it and it needs to be so worth that you would sarcrifice a great part of your life to attain it. It needs to mean a lot to you. It needs to feel as important as raising your child. What you’re doing actually, you are creating something that would have such a big influence that you would create a long lasting traces of you - Shakespeare is dead, but not in theaters. Michael Jackson isn’t here anymore, but will be in radio for more decades to come. Your children are doing the same. When you won’t be here anymore, they will represent a part of you. And this is called legacy. That’s why it’s as important as raising a child. Last thing? Realise that the only deadline that’s truly truly important is your deadline. We all spent our time working for someone else and some of us still do and some of us will be always working for someone else. Everything is excellent choice if you really want it. But don’t live just by your work. Do more things. Throw away TV. It’s wasting your time, stealing your creativity. Limit largely your sources of news, it makes you anxious. Stay informed! But have a limit. Do something that has deeper meaning on the side. Maybe one day you could afford to do just that. And don’t set your goals to accomplish them. Set them to question you, to show you what you’re capable of. To push the evelope fearlessly with conviction. This page of book “Staying Strong” by Demi Lovato (yes she has a book) is pinned on my wall in front of my face when I sit down behind my working desk. And by reading it everyday it almost raised me. I encourage you to save this, print it and do the same. The reading time is 30 seconds per day and it has impact on your whole future. This is the power of subconscious mind.

I highly recommend reading this whole book - you can buy it here.

We live very short lifes when you compare it with the age of space for example. Stop having small goals. Challenge this life, what it has in store for you. And spoiler: It has exactly what you believe it has. Don’t serve life, make it serve you.

Btw. I used SMART goals framework for this text (can only recommend for setting goals) - it’s mainly for projects but aren’t you the most important project we’re talking about here?


Journey of following one’s dreams, singing, writing, dancing, sharing.


