The Art of Celebrating Small Victories

 Small victories are the stepping stones to greatness.

A Pause for Gratitude

When was the last time you celebrated a small win? Not the big, flashy achievements, but the little ones—the brushstroke that turned out just right, the rough draft you finally finished, or the time you simply showed up to create?

If you’re like most of us, probably not often enough. We’re wired to chase the big moments: publishing the book, finishing the mural, or selling the piece. But what if I told you that your creative journey isn’t built on monumental achievements? It’s built on the small, quiet victories that happen every single day.

Why Small Victories Matter

But then, why do we overlook these moments? We tend to see them as insignificant, assuming they don’t “count” unless they’re part of something bigger. But here’s the truth: those tiny steps are what make the big moments possible.

James Clear, in Atomic Habits, reminds us that “Success is the product of daily habits—not once-in-a-lifetime transformations.” By focusing on the small wins, we build momentum and confidence, one day at a time.

Think of Beethoven. He didn’t sit down and write the entirety of Symphony No. 9 in one sitting. It was the result of countless small victories—notes written, ideas explored, and revisions made and PATIENCE ❤️. Each step mattered, even if it didn’t feel significant at the time.

As Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way, writes, “Creativity lies in the doing. The process is the goal, not the product. By celebrating your progress, no matter how small, you’re fueling the creativity to keep going.

The Joy of the Journey

When you take time to celebrate small victories, you’re reminding yourself that your effort is enough—that the journey is just as important as the destination.

Every sketch, draft, or practice session is a step closer to your masterpiece. But more than that, it’s a reminder that you’re showing up, you’re creating, and you’re growing. And isn’t that the point?

Imagine if you approached your creativity with the same joy a child feels when they finish a finger painting. They don’t care if it’s perfect—they’re just proud they made it. That’s the energy we all need to embrace.

Celebrate Your Wins

Here are two simple ways to start celebrating your small victories today:

1. Create a “Celebration Jar”

Keep a jar or a small box on your desk.

Every time you achieve something—no matter how small—write it down on a piece of paper and drop it in the jar.

On tough days, pull out a note and remind yourself how far you’ve come.

2. Daily Reflection Exercise

At the end of each day, list three things you accomplished.

They can be as small as “sketched for 10 minutes” or “set up my workspace.”

Over time, you’ll see just how much you’re progressing.

Every Step Counts

Here’s the truth I want you to carry with you: your journey is made of tiny, beautiful moments that deserve to be celebrated. Don’t wait for the finish line to acknowledge your growth. The fact that you’re creating, trying, and showing up? That’s worth celebrating every single day.

“Small victories are the stepping stones to greatness.”

For You and the Community

Take a moment today to celebrate your latest win—big or small. Write it down, share it with someone, or better yet, post it and tag us using #ArtCheckout.

Follow us on Instagram @ArtCheckout and join a community of creators who know that every step, every stroke, and every effort matters. Let’s celebrate each other’s wins and keep moving forward together.


Journey of following one’s dreams, singing, writing, dancing, sharing.


The Art of Nurturing Connection


The Art of Embracing Courage